Buckle Up
The Delaware Office of Highway Safety (OHS) and police statewide are serious about seat belt safety. Seat belt use in Delaware is at an all-time high of 92.5%, yet still far too many people in our state continue to die as a result of being unrestrained when they are involved in a motor vehicle crash.
Throughout the year OHS funds overtime seat belt enforcement patrols for police departments statewide. Much of the enforcement will occur in the afternoons and evenings when the majority of unrestrained injuries and fatal crashes occur.
The OHS also partners with high schools and OHS Corporate Partners to promote seat belt safety with many fun outreach & community events year round. OHS outreach events include Child Passenger Safety Week in September and Teen Driver Safety Week in October.
OHS Efforts to Increase Seat Belt Use
Seatbelt Surveys: Office of Highway Safety staff members and our highway safety supporters conduct annual seatbelt surveys throughout the state of Delaware. The survey shows that our current seatbelt usage rate is 92.5% (compared to the National seat belt rate of 89.6%).
Year Round Seat belt enforcement: Police agencies in Delaware that have been identified as having a high number of unrestrained crashes in their jurisdictions may receive a grant from OHS to conduct additional overtime enforcement of the State's seat belt law for a period of one year. Enforcement is directed toward high crash locations and scheduled during peak times of the year when unrestrained crashes occur.
Media Campaigns: Office of Highway Safety will implement multi-channel paid media campaigns throughout the year that coincide with our enforcement mobilizations.
So, buckle up, no excuses. Click It or Ticket.
Delaware Seat Belt Law
- Everyone in the vehicle, including backseat passengers and children, must wear seat belts properly.
- Lap and shoulder belts must be worn and shoulder belts must not be placed behind the back or under the arm.
- The driver will receive a $25.00 fine plus court costs which can add up to $83.50.
Seat Belt Facts:
- 53% percent of all occupant fatalities in 2016 were unrestrained.
- March through July are the months with the most unrestrained crashes
- 25% of unrestrained crashes happen between 2:00p.m. to 6:00p.m
- Wearing a seat belt increases your chance of surviving a crash by almost 50%, while reducing the severity of injury.
- 53% of people involved in unrestrained crashes are males.
- You are four times more likely to be killed in a crash if you are ejected from a vehicle because you are not buckled up.
- Hospital data shows that unbelted occupants in crashes are 3 times more likely to require a hospital stay. On average, hospital costs for an unbelted crash victim are 55% higher than those for a belted crash victim.
- Strong seat belt laws protect families. When parents are buckled up, 90% of the time their children are too.
More information can be found at: http://www.arrivealivede.com/Buckle-Up