Ride Safe. Ride Smart.
The Office of Highway Safety (OHS) is continuing its Respect Your Ride & Share the Road Motorcycle Safety campaigns beginning in May and ongoing through the summer and fall. The campaigns, a combination of both enforcement and awareness activities, are an effort to reduce motorcycle fatalities and injuries in Delaware.
Public awareness efforts are aimed at reaching not only motorcyclists but also the drivers of passenger vehicles. Motorists are encouraged to look twice and Share the Road with motorcyclists through billboard and terrestrial radio broadcast plus digital advertising. Motorcycle operators are being reminded to Respect Your Ride by ensuring they have the proper training and tools to be safe riders. Additionally, safety brochures and window decals are distributed through OHS partners, including motorcycle rider groups and businesses.
Motorcycle deaths have been rising in Delaware and nationwide. Deaths in Delaware hit a high in 2013 and 2015 when 20 motorcyclists died in crashes. In 2018, 17 motorcyclists were killed in crashes, 11 of which were not wearing a helmet.
OHS awareness efforts in the last four years have fostered a stronger partnership with the state's Motorcycle Safety Committee. The Committee includes motorcycle riders, businesses, advocacy groups, the OHS and representatives of the DMV Motorcycle Rider Training Program.
More information can be found at: www.arrivealivede.com/Motorcycle-Safety/
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