What Is Corporate Outreach?
Delaware OHS actively partners with the corporate community to help save lives on our state roadways. We supply information, education and awareness resources for our partners to educate their employees. For more information, please contact Aubrey Klick.
About Corporate Outreach
Our Corporate Outreach Program was implemented in 2006 to address the growing needs of the business community to educate their employees about the importance of traffic safety both on and off the clock. Over the last several years the program has grown in size and scope to include non-profit and state-run agencies. Corporate Outreach is committed to finding easy, inexpensive and effective ways to reach the people who work in Delaware with consistent information.
Corporate Outreach uses the following tools to help managers reach their employees:
- Monthly Traffic Safety News and Newsletter Articles
Traffic Safety News is an e-newsletter created to help managers and safety advocates share current traffic safety information with their co-workers. The format is simple, easy to read, easy to print, and easy to forward to an internal distribution list. The information contained within each electronic newsletter is based on the traffic safety hot topic of the month and is divided into two easy to read sections: What You Need to Know and What You Can Do. - Standing Order Materials
Each business or agency that participates in Corporate Outreach can sign up for a regular mailing of promotional traffic safety materials. For each traffic safety campaign OHS produces quantities of posters and flyers. The number and type of materials each partner receives is based on the needs of the company and the number of employees. Corporate Outreach recommends one poster per bulletin board and one flyer per employee.