Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not only dangerous, it's illegal - and the Delaware Office of Highway Safety is dedicated to enforcing the law and keeping the roads safe. Now in its fifteenth year, Checkpoint Strikeforce is a six-month statewide enforcement campaign that features an increased number of DUI checkpoints and patrols every weekend from July 1 through December 31.
The goal of Checkpoint Strikeforce is to stop impaired driving throughout Delaware. Any driver who fails a field sobriety test and is found to be over Delaware's Blood Alcohol Concentration Limit of .08 will face severe legal and financial consequences. Law enforcement now uses highly trained Drug Recognition Experts (DREs) who are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of drug impairment. There is no leniency for first-time offenders. In fact, just one DUI can change your life.
The Consequences of DUI:
- Lose your driver's license
- Pay an average of $6,300 in fines, court costs and attorney fees
- Jail time
- Alcohol/and drug counseling ($400 - $900 cost to you)
- Get an Ignition Interlock device if applicable ($480 cost to you)
- Pay significantly higher auto insurance premiums
The Statistics Don't Lie:
- In 2018, over 4,000 people were arrested for DUI in Delaware
- First-time offenders accounted for 88% of all DUI arrests last year in Delaware
- DUI arrests occur most frequently on Friday (14%), Saturday (22%), and Sunday (22%)
- 25-29 yrs and 35-44 yrs account for the two highest age groups of those arrested for DUI
- 76% of those arrested for DUI are males
- 66% of those arrested were at or above 0.13 BAC
- Males age 35-44 are most likely to be involved in an alcohol or drug related crash
Accompanying this year's Checkpoint Strikeforce initiative is a public awareness campaign to raise DUI awareness, deter impaired driving and reduce the number of alcohol or drug related motor vehicle crashes. Paid media in the form of billboards, TV, radio, print, digital, ice chest wraps, liquor store floor clings, and Spanish radio & print ads will reinforce the legal, financial and personal consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
More information can be found at www.arrivealivede.com/drive-sober.
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